Close Deals up to 30% Faster
Get a custom quote of Kloze.Ai today!

A Sales Acceleration Platform to focus on what matters the most – drive deals to closure, streamline sales execution, improve predictability and never miss a sales opportunity.

Features KIQ / Knowledge IQ SAP / Sales Acceleration Platform Enterprise / Unified Suite
Super Repository to Aggregate existing marketing content spread across Google Drive, Dropbox, Team Member Content
Content Engagement Analytics

BestSearch™ - Allows sellers to find the best-performing content asset

Automatic updates in CRM and real-time deal prioritizations
Real-time insights of buyer-seller interaction

CollabSpace™ with the mutual action plan and buyer engagement analytics

Google Mail/Calendar™, Outlook Mail/Calendar™, LinkedIn™, Zoom™, Google Drive™, Salesforce™, and many more exciting integrations.

Single Sign-On, Active Directory, Dedicated Customer Success Manager, Executive Business Reviews, Technical Support, and much more.

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    Sales Acceleration Platform

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